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Friday, April 16, 2010

Joblin 1H Drill in Hill County

Cornerstone's Joblin 1H Unit

Union Drilling spuds the Barnett - Joblin

Glorious Sunset over Hill County

Pretty as a Picture!

1 comment:


Hi Mr. Worley--I'm new to blogging, (going to be 62 soon and never really got around to trying this)so I hope this message gets to you or others. I'm a CA resident trying to make sense out of my wife's 2 land parcels in Hill county. Just a bit over 5 years ago, we entered into an oil and gas lease on the 2 parcels, only about 6 acres total. We got a small amount per acre and "royalty" potential. Apparently my lease bounced around to various companies and ended up with Cornerstone, E&P(according to the Hill County Tax Office). My lease expired around 8 months ago but I was able to contact a Barry Osborne at Cornerstone who said if they held the lease and if we were entitled to any royalty, then he/Cornerstone would renew the lease and any mineral rights royalty would be forthcoming. Seemed like a nice guy, but his phone doesn't work anymore. I read that Cornerstone was in bankruptcy so this whole matter is confusing. I went on the Railroad Commission site and found that Cornerstone was operating in Hill county in field 65280200, with a lease ID of 242603 and an API# of 21730657 from the McCarter JM survey Abstract number 555. Of course, our parcels match up with that survey. Despite their bankruptcy, the railroad commission indicated they had "Production"(GW(MCF)) in Mar. 2010 of 14,721, whatever that means. These numbers came from "LEASE NAME: COVINGTON ACRES, LEASE NO:242603, WELL NO: 1H". Since I received a very small new tax bill from the HILL COUNTY TAX OFFICE for a mere $13.48 with a description of "COVINGTON ACRES W#1-H 91242603 CORNERSTONE E/NEWWARK, EAST(BARNETT) AB 555/MCCARTER J M SUR ACS 268.0400", I have to assume I am being taxed on mineral rights that I have not received. Since all of this is strange to me and I am far away, do you have any advice as to how I should proceed? I have a few phone numbers of Cornerstone I will use tomorrow, but I don't know what to do next to get my lease renewed and to receive whatever we may be due, even if it is a small amount. I would appreciate any thoughts you or your friends may have on this--your site seems to have very specific inside information on everything happening in Hill county--Thanks--Patrick Reis--my email is if you want to use that to reply--unless, I'm supposed to come back here to this site and see your response there??--Thanks again--